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How to Drain a Bosch Sensotronic Dishwasher

Your Bosch Sensotronic dishwasher can be drained midcycle in the event of a problem. You might have chosen the wrong wash settings, loaded items unsuitable for dishwasher cleaning, or noticed an unusual sound that you want to investigate. Initiating a drain cancels the current cycle; you can easily rescue the necessary items and restart the wash once the appliance is idle. Draining the dishwasher takes less than 5 minutes.


    • 1

      Locate the pair of buttons on the control panel marked "Cancel Drain." The buttons are sometimes separated on the controls but connected by a line with a dot at each end.

    • 2

      Hold both "Cancel Drain" buttons together for three seconds. The dishwasher will stop and begin to drain.

    • 3

      Wait approximately 1 minute while the water is pumped out of the dishwasher. Open the door once the dishwasher is silent to remove whatever is inside.