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Dishwasher Problems: Soft Water Gel Detergent

If there is an overabundance of calcium and other minerals in your water, the water is considered hard. Hard water doesn't wash dishes as effectively; you might see spotting, streaking or unclean spots, and if the water is extremely hard, it may leave a residue. You can soften water in your dishwasher by using soft water gel detergent.
  1. Reduce Streaking

    • If your water is too hard -- that is, if it contains a large amount of minerals -- your dishes might not get as clean as they need to be.You may see streaks on your dishes, consisting of residue from food and dish detergent. Water softener gel detergent can help solve this problem. Use this type of detergent when you run your dishwasher to soften the water and reduce streaking on your dishes.

    How It Works

    • Gel is a specific type of detergent that works well if you need to soften your water. Gel detergent comes in capsules, similar to pills you may take for your health. This ensures that you put the right amount of detergent into the dishwasher and don't spill or waste detergent. Once in the dishwasher, the gel capsule dissolves. This allows it to begin taking effect on your dishes almost immediately after you run the dishwasher.

    Rinse Agent

    • If you use a soft water gel detergent, you also need to use a rinse agent. A rinse agent is a liquid that causes water to fall off dishes in sheets. The rinse agent prevents the water droplets from drying onto the dishes and causing spotting.

    Call Water Company

    • If you suspect your water may be hard, call your water company and ask for its latest report on the quality of your water. Your water company can confirm for you how hard the water is. If the water is extremely hard, the company may suggest a water softener for you to use.