Home Garden

What Causes Ants in a Dishwasher?

If you open your dishwasher and a parade of ants comes streaming out, it can ruin your idea of a clean, sanitary kitchen. Dishwashers are a huge time saver, and greatly reduce the workload of busy families, but killing and cleaning up a host of dead ants eliminates any time saved on chores. Discovering the cause of an ant invasion is the first step in exterminating the tiny pests.
  1. What Kind of Ants?

    • Many species of ants are known to invade homes, but carpenter ants are most commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms. Carpenter ants range between 1/4 and 1/2 inch long, and they are either black or dark brown. They have large heads and rounded abdomens, and they may have wings during the spring and summer. Carpenter ants don’t sting like other species, but they do bite with their large, strong mandibles.

    Why the Dishwasher?

    • Carpenter ants are fond of dishwashers for a number of reasons. Most kitchen counters are made of wood, which is the primary nesting material for carpenter ants. These irritating insects need a quiet place to lay their eggs, and they move from the narrow feeding spaces between the cabinets to the dishwasher to nest. Dishwashers also provide the ants with the right level of humidity to mimic their natural nesting environments.

    Keep Them Out

    • Turning on the water to flush out carpenter ants isn’t the right plan: The ants thrive on heat and moisture and won’t die, even on the highest heat cycles. Keeping ants out before they take up residence is simpler than removing them. Caulk up cracks in your home’s foundation, and fill in spaces in and around your cabinets with wood putty. Leave your dishwasher open between cycles to completely dry out the basin.

    Eliminate the Problem

    • If you see a few ants, it’s likely there are dozens more hiding around your dishwasher. As unlikely as it may seem, your vacuum cleaner is an excellent defense against carpenter ants. Use the hose attachment to suck up as many bugs as possible. Push the hose under and inside cabinets where you’ve spotted the critters, and toss out the vacuum bag as soon as you’re finished. Place baited ant traps under the machine and inside nearby cabinets to kill traveling ants. If you’re still overwhelmed with ants in your dishwasher, contact a professional exterminator.