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Loose Fan on a Dishwasher

A loose fan on the dishwasher could cause the motor to overheat. If you suspect a loose fan, replace the worn part to restore safe performance. Other problems in a dishwasher can mimic the symptoms of a loose fan, so you do need to check and confirm that the problem is what you suspect before attempting repairs.
  1. Symptoms

    • The primary symptom of a loose fan on a dishwasher is the sound that it makes. When the fan is not properly tightened, you will likely hear a high-pitched squealing sound or a grinding noise when the dishwasher is turned on. Usually the noise will be quite loud because the fan turns at a very high RPM when the dishwasher is running.

    Finding the Fan

    • The primary fan on a dishwasher is attached to the electrical motors in the unit. Usually, the motor is located under the dishwasher. Ensure that the dishwasher is unplugged or that the power is completely turned off, and then remove the access panel at the bottom of your dishwasher to look for the main motor. On one end of the motor you should see a fan. Try to spin the fan gently by hand. If it wobbles or has a great deal of wiggle room back and forth, you probably need to tighten the fan.

    Replacing the Fan

    • If the fan is loose on your dishwasher, you need to replace the part. Depending on the model of dishwasher you have, you may be able to replace just the fan blade, but on others you will have to replace the entire motor and fan assembly as a single piece. Give the serial number of your dishwasher to your local repair center and they should be able to tell you if you can replace the blade alone or if you need to order the entire assembly.

    Other Causes

    • You might hear a noise you think is a loose fan in the dishwasher and then test it -- only to find a securely mounted and tight fan. In that case, you need to check for other sources of the noise you were hearing. The inlet valve and the water pump itself can both squeal if not operating properly. Also, a blown bearing in the motor may sound similar to a loose fan. These types of noises typically require the replacement of the part in question.