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How to Make My Master Bedroom Cooler

If you have ever lived in a house with no air conditioning, you know it can be uncomfortable during the summer months. If you happen to live in a humid or hot part of the country, the temperature can dictate how much time you spend in your home. There are several things you can do to cool off your master bedroom without having to purchase an air conditioner or other equipment.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 free standing electric Fans
  • Small cleaning broom
  • Curtains
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  1. How to Make My Master Bedroom Cooler

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      Open any windows in the room. Many people tend to leave their windows closed for security purposes, but if you are home and feel safe, go ahead and open up the windows. Opening the windows will let cool air in while letting some of the hot air out of the room. If you have been leaving the windows closed for a while you should notice the room starting to cool off once you open them up.

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      Clean the screen covers on the fans in the room. Dust and dirt have a tendency to build up on the screens covering electric fans. Over time this dust and dirt start to plug the fan, reducing the amount of air that circulates. Cleaning the dust out with a small broom will not only blow more cool air into the room but will remove any dust and dirt that you would otherwise be inhaling.

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      Place one of the fans facing an open window so that it is blowing air out of the window. This will help pull some of the hot air from the room and blow it out of the house, thus cooling it off even further. Place the other electric fan on the opposite end of the room and allow it to rotate; this will help keep the room at a cooler temperature. If you have a ceiling fan, turn that on as well to help cool off the room as well.

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      Turn off any unnecessary appliances that could be producing heat. For example, during the day you most likely will not need to turn on the lights. This will save electricity and avoid adding heat from the bulb. Turn off electrical items such as computers if they are not in use, as these tend to heat up as well.

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      Put curtains up on any windows that allow sunlight in. If your bedroom gets hit with sunlight in the morning or afternoon through any of the windows, put curtains up to stop the sunlight from coming in. Close the curtains only during the time of the day that direct sunlight is coming into the room. Once the sun has moved and there is no sunlight coming in you should then open the curtains to allow air to circulate.