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How to Set a Ceiling Fan for Summer Cooling

When the mercury climbs during the summer, staying cool becomes a high priority. While air conditioning makes life bearable in many situations, sometimes you can stay adequately cool by using only a ceiling fan. According to Energy Star, the breeze created by a ceiling fan can make you feel up to 8 degrees cooler. As you strive to stay cool during the summer, set a ceiling fan properly for summer cooling to ensure it adequately delivers a cool breeze.

Things You'll Need

  • Stepladder
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    • 1

      Turn the ceiling fan on and watch to see which direction the fan blades turn. If the blades are spinning clockwise, your fan is set for winter heat distribution. This setting helps circulate the warmest air at the top of a room down to where you can feel it.

    • 2

      Set up the stepladder beneath the fan so you to reach the fan unit.

    • 3

      Turn off the fan unit. Turn off any wall switches that power the fan.

    • 4

      Climb the stepladder and find the slider switch that changes the fan blade direction. Generally, this switch is small and black and slides back and forth or up and down. Slide this switch to the opposite end of the setting to change the fan blade direction.

    • 5

      Turn on the fan unit and any switches that control the fan. Put the stepladder away. Turn the fan on. The blades should now turn counterclockwise, which is the proper setting for summer cooling.