Home Garden

How to Change Bathroom Heater Coils

Some bathrooms contain older wall heaters that operate with electric heating coils. The coils glow orange when the thermostat control knob is activated. The coils are similar in appearance and virtually identical in operation to the heating elements found in many electric clothes dryers. The thin wire coils can wear out or break over time with regular use, causing the heater to stop working. Replacing the heating coil takes only a few minutes using basic tools.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver set
  • Work gloves
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    • 1

      Turn the heater control counterclockwise as far as the knob will rotate to shut off the appliance.

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      Remove the fuse or turn off the circuit breaker that controls the electricity to the bathroom and the heater.

    • 3

      Unscrew and remove the metal grille from the front of the heater, using a screwdriver.

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      Take out the screws in the metal plate where the coils plug into the frame of the heater.

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      Unplug the coils at the metal plate while wearing work gloves to prortect your hands from the metal edges.

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      Plug in the new heater coils and secure them with screws through the metal plate where it fits flush with the heater frame.

    • 7

      Replace the metal grille over the heater and secure with screws.

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      Insert the fuse in the fuse box or turn on the circuit breaker.