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How to Replace the Fuel Line for an Ariens Snowblower

Ariens snowblowers enable you to avoid the backbreaking shoveling required to keep your driveways and walkways clear of snow during the winter. However, if the fuel line on your Ariens snowblower leaks or is severely clogged, the machine won't function properly. Replacing the fuel line is a cost-efficient way to get your snowblower running again. Accessing the fuel line in an Ariens snowblower requires partial disassembly of the machine. Contact a professional if you're not comfortable with the demands of the repair.

Things You'll Need

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Pliers
  • 2 feet of 1/4-inch fuel line
  • Box cutter
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      Disconnect the spark plug to prevent the snowblower from accidentally starting while replacing the fuel line.

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      Pull the choke knob off the carburetor cover. Remove the bolts securing the carburetor cover, upper shroud and control panel. The size and number of bolts varies by model. Set aside the removed snowblower components.

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      Pull the fuel line off the connector on the fuel tank; work gently to avoid damaging the connector. Follow the fuel line to the carburetor, and squeeze the pinch clamp securing the line by using a pair of pliers. Remove the fuel line from the snowblower.

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      Pinch the squeeze clamps securing the two fuel line pieces to the fuel valve by using the pliers. Remove the fuel line pieces and clamps from the valve and lay them on a flat work surface.

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      Measure the new long and short fuel line pieces so they're the same length as the ones you removed. Cut the new fuel line pieces to size, using a box cutter. Discard the removed fuel line pieces, but reserve the clamps.

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      Thread the long fuel line through the snowblower to the carburetor, routing the line behind the snowblower flywheel. Slip one of the clamps onto the end of the fuel line before fitting the line onto the carburetor connector. Squeeze the clamp, and slide it up to the carburetor to hold the fuel line in place.

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      Fit the short fuel line piece onto the fuel tank connector. Thread two pinch clamps onto the short fuel line. Slide one of the pinch clamps up to the fuel tank to hold the end of the line in place. Insert the fuel valve connector into the free end of the short line and use the second pinch clamp to hold it.

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      Slip the last remaining pinch clamp onto the end of the long fuel line piece that's closest to the fuel tank. Insert the other fuel valve connector into the free end of the long fuel line. Move the pinch clamp down to the fuel valve to hold the line in place.