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How to Adjust the Water Flow on a Kohler Champion

The Kohler Champion toilet features a float system that can be manipulated via its clip to raise or lower the level of water in the toilet's tank. Additionally, water flow to the Kohler Champion toilet can be completely cut off and the toilet drained via the water shut-off valve. Neither adjustment procedure requires the aid of a professional, and you can adjust the water flow on the Kohler yourself even if you are unfamiliar with the internal parts that comprise the toilet.


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      Remove the lid from the tank of the Kohler Champion toilet and set it aside.

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      Look at the float system used in the toilet. A float ball should be floating at the top of the water level within the toilet. Find the clip on the float ball's side and pinch it, then move the float down to decrease the water level or move it up to increase the water level.

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      Flush the toilet via the flush handle and wait for the water level to refill to ensure the level is where you want it. Make further adjustments to the float ball if necessary, then flush the toilet again.

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      Put the toilet lid back into place on top of the tank.

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      Adjust the water shut-off valve if you wish to cut off water flow to the toilet altogether. This valve is on the bottom rear of the toilet. Turn it clockwise to cut off the flow of water, then hold down the toilet's flush handle until all the water drains from the tank.