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How to Read Air Purifier Reviews

Not all air purifiers clean the air in the same way. If you are in the market for a unit, it's best to read air purifier reviews before you hit the store. An unbiased review will outline the most important factors you'll need to consider before making your purchase, and should include statements from other consumers who have had experience with specific air purifiers. By understanding how to compare different models accurately, you'll ultimately make the right purchase based on your specific needs and requirements.


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      Compare air purifiers based on the type of technology they utilize to clean the air. There are four basic types of air purifiers. HEPA purifiers use a highly efficient, pleated filter to grab contaminant particles, whereas electronic ionizers reverse the charge of air particles to attract them to a filter. UV purifiers utilize ultraviolet light to neutralize contaminants, and ozone generators produce ozone to neutralize odors. Each technology has its own set of pros and cons.

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      Examine what types of air contaminants are filtered out of the air by different models. A particular model may not resolve the air quality issues that you need it to. Check to see if different models will filter out dust, pet dander, smoke, pollen, mold spores or odors.

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      Ascertain the quantity of air a unit will clean by looking at the clean air delivery rate, or CADR, and compare different units. Developed by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, this standard measures the cubic feet of clean air that an air purifier generates in a room per minute. Not all manufactures submit their units for testing to determine the CADR, but those that do help consumers to weigh their choices. An air purifier's CADR should equal at least two-thirds of the square footage of the room it will be operated in, per recommendations by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers.

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      Determine how easy different models will be to maintain. Look for information about how easily accessible the filters are when the time comes to replace them, as a dirty filter can actually cause the unit to circulate contaminants and pollute the air. Some air purifiers feature an indicator light or beeping sound to alert you when the filter needs replacing, while others recommend a specific schedule for changing filters and leave it up to the consumer to keep track. A comprehensive air purifier review should address this.

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      Evaluate the cost of different models. While the initial cost of an air purifier may be an important factor in your decision making process, it is not the only thing to consider. Find out how often filters need to be changed and factor in the continuing expense of maintaining the unit over time.