Home Garden

How Does a Carrier Infinity Air Purifier Work?

A Carrier Infinity air purifier system can work in tandem with an air conditioner, a furnace or an air conditioner/furnace combo to clear the air of dirt and other harmful particles and provide the home with safer, cleaner air to breath. Once set up, the unit goes through only a couple of simple steps to complete its task.
  1. Placement

    • The unit can be attached to a furnace or an air conditioner to purify air going into the home. Depending on which kind of unit you have and at which point the air exits, the Carrier can be installed at the top, bottom or side of the furnace or air conditioner. In any case, the Carrier must be the final point through which cold or hot air passes to be effective before air enters the home. Regardless of where it’s installed, the unit's front panel must be easily accessible for regular maintenance.


    • After the Carrier Infinity is assembled, the unit is connected to a power source, at which point the power indicator light on the front panel of the unit illuminates. The air purifier power cord connects to the furnace or air conditioner circuit board. After that, the power supply connector and the power cord interlock to supply power to the Carrier. When the furnace or air conditioner turns on, so does the purifier. An alternate power cord support terminal is located near the bottom of the unit, should you wish to set up the unit's power source separately from the furnace or air conditioner.

    Charged Particles

    • After the power to the unit is activated, air enters the unit from the furnace, the air conditioner or the room. The internal ionization component electronically charges the impure air particles once they enter the machine. These unwanted contaminants range from mold spores and bacteria to viruses.

    Air Cartridge

    • The air cartridge’s purpose is to pull electronically charged contaminants through an electrical field toward itself and keep them there. The contaminants are then killed off as electrical currents and ions flow through the cartridge. To replace the air cartridge, the unit must be disabled to avoid electric shock. The door can be removed from the front of the unit to reveal the cartridge housing. The cartridge slides easily from its slot, so that a new one can be inserted. The air purification cartridge needs to be changed periodically. The Infinity can be programmed to provide a signal for the cartridge change based on time or a dirty filter algorithm.