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Why Doesn't My EdenPure Air Purifier Have an Ionizer Plate?

Whether you own an EdenPure G-7, an EdenPure Area Model or an EdenPure Puratron, your air purifier relies -- in part -- on the ionization process for purifying your home’s air. But despite using ionization, EdenPure air purifiers do not use “ionizer plates” in the technical sense of the term. They do, however, rely on another type of collection plate, which you may have confused for an ionizer plate.
  1. Ionizer Plate Background

    • An ionizer plate is a flat, metal plate with a static electric charge. In some types of air purifiers, such as such electrostatic precipitators, an ionizer plate is responsible for collecting particles as they flow through the purifier. Specifically, a purifier draws air into an ionization chamber and gives the particulates in that air an electric charge. The particles are then drawn to the ionizer plate and become stuck. Like an electrostatic precipitator, an EdenPure air purifier utilizes ionization for charging particles in the air. However, an EdenPure air purifier does not directly collect those particles using an electric charge.

    EdenPure Purifier Technology

    • EdenPure air purifiers are equipped with anion -- or negative ion -- generators, which are also known simply as ionizers. Instead of charging air particles while the particles are inside of the purifier, an ionizer disperses ions out in to the air around the purifier. These ions then attach to particles, giving them electric charges. As a result of these charges, particles in the air clump together and drop to the floor. In addition, the particles can be drawn to furniture, walls and other surfaces in a home. Because an EdenPure air purifier uses an ionizer, it does not need an ionizer plate for collecting charged particles. Instead, the technology necessitates that your sweep up or vacuum the particles that accumulate around your home.

    Different Terminology

    • Based on its technical definition, your EdenPure air purifier doesn’t have an ionizer plate because it doesn’t need one: As mentioned above, the purifier does not collect the particles it ionizes. However, what you think of as a missing ionizer plate could actually be a missing purification plate. The purification plate is responsible for storing particles that the EdenPure air purifier collects while in its “Purify” mode, wherein the purifier is sucking in air from around the room, passing it through a filter and then releasing it. If your EdenPure air purifier is missing its purification plate, it is likely that someone removed the plate because it was cracked or because it needed to be cleaned.

    Obtaining a Purifier Plate

    • An EdenPure purifier plate should be located behind the air purifier unit’s filter. If the plate is missing, contact the dealer that you purchased the air purifier from to find out about obtaining one. Alternatively, if you purchased the purifier used or received it as a gift, you can visit the EdenPure website to find your nearest dealer.