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Ionic Air Purifier Dangers

In recent years, ionic air purifiers have become a popular home appliance. They are called ionic because they electrically charge molecules in the air. More specifically, they work by throwing off positive charges into the air, and then they attract the dirty air with negatively charged collection plates. Although they do help to improve the overall air quality in your home by removing dirt and allergens from the air, they also can cause potential harm, because even the most expensive ionic air purifiers produce ozone as they work.
  1. Misconceptions

    • Unlike their name suggests, ionic air purifiers do not simply purify the air by reducing airborne pollutants in your home. According to a 2005 study by Consumer Reports, they also release potentially harmful levels of ozone into the air.

    Ozone Dangers

    • Because ionic air purifiers emit ozone into the air, they can cause potential harm to your body. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, ozone is toxic in high levels and can also damage your lungs and respiratory tract.

    Proper Ventilation

    • Before buying an ionic air purifier, you will need to ensure that your home is properly ventilated so that the ozone does not build up. With proper ventilation, the ozone can escape from your home without causing any bodily harm.


    • In addition to ozone dangers, some ionic air purifiers also ineffectively keep the harmful air pollutants contained. In such models, a breeze within the room or movement close to the air purifier can easily cause the dirty particles to return to the air. Be sure to buy one that has metal plates inside that hold the dirty particles in place.


    • It is important to learn about ionic air purifier dangers because many households containing ill members have one. In particular, asthma sufferers assume that an ionic air purifier will help them to breathe better when, in reality, the ozone that is released can actually cause asthma symptoms to worsen.

    Alternative Solutions

    • If you are concerned about the dangers of ionic air purifiers, you can use other means to keep the air in your home clean. A good option is to prevent the air in your home from becoming unhealthy in the first place. Rid your home of contaminant-harboring carpets, open your windows frequently, install fans in your kitchen and bathrooms to keep the air circulating, and never burn scented candles indoors. With these steps, you will be well on your way to preventing unhealthful air from pervading your home.