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Electronic Air Cleaner Maintenance

Electronic air cleaner purifiers are some of the most efficient units for removing all types of airborne dust and debris. Unlike paper filter air purifiers, which need the actual filtering medium to be replaced on a routine basis, electronic air cleaners have metal screens and grids that can be cleaned and reused over and over again.
  1. Using Your Dishwasher

    • Maintenance for an electronic air cleaner specifically means cleaning the screens and grids. Most manufacturers allow cleaning to take place in a dishwasher, but check your instruction booklet for specific instructions.

      The grids, sometimes referred to as cells or collector plates, should be placed upon four overturned glasses to keep the actual grid plates from touching any protrusions inside of the dishwasher. Use the hottest water setting, and never subject them to a drying cycle, as this will bake on any leftover gunk that didn't come off in the wash cycle.

      Once they are finished washing, remove the grids from the dishwasher and gently wipe them down with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or leftover debris.

    Washing Them Manually

    • Find a bucket or tub that is large enough to hold the grids inside, then add in 3/4 cup of automatic dishwashing detergent. Fill the tub up with hot water, swish the grids around a bit and then let them soak for about 20 minutes. Pull them out then using a soft cloth, and wipe off any remaining dirt that is still sticking to the grids. Rinse thoroughly under running water or by using a garden hose.

      Allow to completely dry before reinstalling them into the air purifier once again. For basic routine cleaning maintenance, plan on repeating this cycle every three months or so.