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Is it Unhealthy to Have an Ozone Machine Set Too High?

Since the 1990s, ozone machines have promoted as a way to attempt household pollution control. However, ozone is not very safe for humans and setting your ozone machine too high could have negative health consequences.
  1. Identification

    • Ozone machines generate ozone, molecules that contains three oxygen atoms instead of two, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Oxygen atoms readily attach to other compounds and elements and change their structure.


    • Ozone on the ground can cause chest, lung and throat irritation when breathed, in addition to aggravating chronic problems like asthma, according to the EPA. Larger amounts of ozone enact more long-term damage on the body.


    • The EPA does not regulate ozone machines. This means that no two settings are alike for ozone machines. Machines also cannot factor in room size, which can exacerbate even small amounts of ozone.


    • Ozone machines do not reduce much air pollution unless used in unsafe amounts, according to the EPA's ozone generator website. Ozone could even damage household belongings.


    • The EPA recommends reducing possible sources of indoor pollution before using an ozone machine. Keeping your house vented, clean and dry might work just as well or better than an air purifier, the agency said.