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Ozone Generator Uses

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that no governmental agency has approved ozone generators for indoor use in occupied spaces. The EPA and other federal agencies have collaborated in producing credible and factual information about the use of ozone generators.
  1. Ozone

    • Ozone is made up of three atoms of oxygen, which usually forms molecules of two atoms. When the ozone molecule attaches itself to other substances it alters the chemical composition. Many manufacturers of ozone generators use ozone's chemical altering characteristic as the basis of their claims about generators.

    Ozone Levels

    • "Good up high, bad nearby" is a simple term by the EPA that explains that ozone up in the atmosphere filters out dangerous ultraviolet solar radiation. Ozone in the air that people breathe is harmful whether it's mixed with other pollutants or if it's pure ozone.


    • The EPA asserts that ozone generators have little potential to remove indoor air contaminants if used at levels that don't exceed public health standards.

    Unoccupied Space

    • The EPA states that while ozone generators may remove chemical and biological contaminants they should only be administered when conditions are controlled so no pet or person is exposed to ozone.


    • The EPA advises the public to use proven methods of controlling indoor air pollution. These methods include eliminating or controlling pollutant sources, increasing air ventilation and using proven methods of air cleaning.