Home Garden

Homemade Dehumidifier

Humidity in a poorly ventilated home can cause all sorts of undesirable effects, such as stale air and mold which in turn can cause many health problems. A dehumidifier works to pull extra moisture out of the air, but dehumidifiers can be expensive to buy. Luckily, it is simple and inexpensive to make your own dehumidifier using objects you may already have around the house.
  1. Charcoal

    • To make your own dehumidifier, you will need a large, clean can (a large coffee can will work) with a lid and some charcoal briquettes. Charcoal will absorb moisture from the air.

      Punch holes in the sides of the coffee can, as well as in the lid, with a small screwdriver or ice pick. Place charcoal in the can and put the lid on. Place in the areas of your house that get the most humidity, such as bathrooms, basements, closets, attics or sun rooms.

      You will need to replace the charcoal in the can every few months to keep your homemade dehumidifier working properly.

    Road Salt

    • A second type of homemade dehumidifier uses road salt, or a special kind of de-icing salt that can be purchased at many hardware and home improvement stores. Road salt naturally condenses moisture out of the air, making it an effective way to dehumidify the air in your home.

      Place a large quantity of road salt in a cheesecloth bag and hang the open bag in an area of your home where the humidity is high. Make sure to place a metal bucket beneath the cheesecloth bag, so that as the salt absorbs the moisture from the air, it can drip into the bucket.

      This can also be done with a second metal bucket in place of the cheesecloth bag. Just bore a hole in the bottom of the bucket and cover the hole with netting or chicken wire so that the salt itself does not slip out. The moisture will exit through the hole in the bucket and drain into the second bucket below.