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Air Cleaners That Remove VOC's

Air cleaners operate by taking in the air in a room, trapping small air pollutant particles and then dispersing cleaner air throughout the room. VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are actually gasses rather than particulate matter such as dust, spores and pet hair. For this reason, certain types of air cleaners may be more effective in reducing VOCs than others.
  1. What are VOCs?

    • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are present in many of the most common household items. Chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde can be dispersed into the air from paint, furniture, appliances, printers, and household cleaners. They may also be present in cosmetics and permanent markers. This combination of the many items that we use in our daily lives contributes to a high level of indoor air pollution.

    Health Concerns

    • VOC emissions may contribute to both short term and long term health issues. In the short term, people who are especially sensitive to these compounds may experience headaches, eye or throat irritation, and nausea. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that over the long term, excessive exposure to certain VOCs may contribute to asthma, liver or kidney damage, and possibly cancer.

    Carbon Filter Air Cleaners

    • Evidence suggests that of the different types of air cleaners, those that use carbon filters may be most effective against VOC emissions. Rather than trapping small particles like ionized or electronic air filters, activated carbon works to absorb harmful gasses as the air passes through.