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Air Cleaners That Remove Mold

Household mold is microscopic fungi growth reliant upon moist or damp conditions, with reproductive spores ranging in size of one to five microns, which can become airborne. Mold growth within a home environment can exacerbate respiratory infections, increase the severity of asthmatic symptoms and create allergic reactions over a prolonged period of exposure. While complete mold removal from the household is not possible without professional cleaning techniques, it can be substantially reduced with a mold air purifier which uses High Efficiency Particulate Arresting (HEPA) technology. Residential models are available that trap the mold spores within the filtration system and arrest the reproductive capabilities within the zero-moisture environment of the air purifier's filter.
  1. IQAir HealthPro Plus HEPA Air Purifier

    • The IQAir HealthPro Plus HEPA Air Purifier incorporates technology from four filtration systems created for most efficient micro-particulate matter removal. It can remove particulate matter, including mold spores and pollen, to a certified 99.97 percent efficiency rating for particulates 0.3 microns or larger. The HealthPro Plus is a 35-pound floor unit designed for residential use with a changeable HyperHEPA filter which last from two to four years depending upon level of usage. In 2010 the HealthPro Plus HEPA Air Purifier is retail priced by IQAir at $939.

    Austin Air Healthmate Standard Air Purifier

    • The Austin Healthmate Standard Air Purifier uses HEPA and carbon/zeolite filtration technologies to remove polluting particulate matter, including mold and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), from the air of household environments. This free-standing, 45-pound air cleaner unit can clean a room area up to 1500 square feet in size, and both the filter and purifier unit come with a five-year manufacturer's guarantee and parts warranty. Its filter removes 99.97 percent of particulate 0.3 microns or larger and is designed to be vacuum cleaned from the outside for easier maintenance. It is available in 2010 for the retail price of $589 from Austin Air.

    Blueair 450E Digital Air Purifier with HEPASilent Filter

    • The Blueair 450E Digital Air Purifier with HEPASilent filtration technology is designed for continuous residential air cleaning and comes with a remote control. Removal of airborne contaminants, such as mold spores and pet dander, are confirmed by the digital electronic gas and particle sensors on the unit and is ideal for room areas of 365 square feet or less. The Blueair 450E operates with an ultrasilent fan and uses a progressive, three-stage HEPA filter which meets hospital grade efficiency particle removal standards of trapping 99.97 percent of particulates 0.3 microns or larger. Blueair offers the 33-pound 450E model, as of 2010, for the retail price of $650.

    Allerair 5000 Exec

    • The Allerair 5000 Exec residential air purifier is a 44-pound floor model air cleaner which employs HEPA and activated carbon filtration technologies to remove airborne pollutants, such as mold and chemical odors, from household air. The medical-grade HEPA filter guarantees removal of up at least 99.97 percent of particulate 0.3 microns or larger and cleans a room area of up to 1500 square feet. The 5000 Exec model with UV lamp included (which kills the trapped mold spores quickly) is retail priced by Allerair at $800 in 2010.