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HVAC & Energy Saver Switches

An energy saver switch on a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) unit is an electrical device capable of receiving radio signals. Your utility company can send signals to the smart switch to turn the compressor on your air conditioner on and off. The goal is to save energy and money while keeping the temperature inside your home at a reasonable level.
  1. Location

    • Once you enroll in energy savings program your utility company will install a switch near your HVAC unit outdoors. It will send signals to turn off your compressor when demand for electricity reaches a peak. All participants in the program receive the signals, allowing the utility company to spread the conservation efforts across many people. Not everyone receives the signals at once. That means your neighbor across the street may not receive a signal the same time that you do.


    • Your utility company will promise cost savings if you allow installation of the switch. At the time of publication, one utility company was promising cost savings of nearly $1,800 over five years for participants in energy savings programs. The average savings of about $360 a year could help treat your family to a quick getaway every year or help with Christmas shopping.

    Other Benefits

    • Utility companies like the plans because the utility company also saves money. By reducing usage the companies also reduce the need for additional power plants, cut back on current emissions from power plants and save money on current infrastructure for delivering electricity.


    • Under normal operation the utility company will cycle your air conditioner on and off for 15 to 20 minutes each half hour during peak times. This could continue for several hours. Signals are often sent on hot summer afternoons. After the control period ends, you can use your AC as you desire. Some families feel the minor inconvenience for a few hours is a fair tradeoff for energy conservation efforts and cost savings.


    • People who do not want a switch placed on their HVAC system can opt for a programmable thermostat instead. Some programmable thermostats offer flexibility for managing the energy saver program. For example, one utility company allows users to use a website to override settings twice each year -- and more during emergencies. The override is helpful if you have special guests coming over on a very hot day and you would like the temperature inside your house a bit cooler. Contact your utility company to discuss energy savings plans available for you.