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Bryant Evolution Control Instructions

The Bryant company provides a number of heating and cooling system controllers, and has been in operation since 1904. The Bryant Evolution Control is an interactive interface for controlling a houses heating and cooling systems. This control allows for users to select at which temperature they would like their heating system to turn on, and at which temperature they would like their cooling system to turn on. The interface also allows users to preset various temperatures to be held at different times of the day.


  1. Set the Date, Time and Humidity

    • 1

      Flip down the door at the base, press the "Basic" button. This button is at the bottom of the controller, second button from the right.

    • 2

      Press on the "Time" buttons to adjust the hour up or down. These buttons feature a "+" and "-" sign and are on the left of the controller.

    • 3

      Press on the "Scroll" button (located at the bottom and center of the controller) to highlight "DAY" on the monitor. Adjust the date with the "Time" buttons.

    • 4

      Use the Scroll buttons to highlight "HUMIDITY" on the screen. Press "Cool" button(located on the right side, at the bottom) to set the cooling humidity, adjust the levels with the Time buttons. Press the "Heat" button (located directly above the cooling button) to set the heating humidity, adjust with the Time buttons.

    • 5

      Press the Basic button to exit.

    Adjust Heating and Cooling.

    • 6

      Press the red Heat button to adjust heating. The red LED adjacent to the Heat button will light up.

    • 7

      Press the "Temp" buttons (on the opposite side of the Time buttons, featuring a "+" and "-" button) to adjust the temperature.

    • 8

      Press the blue Cool button to adjust cooling. The blue LED adjacent to the Cool button will light up.

    • 9

      Press the "Temp" buttons (on the opposite side of the Time buttons, featuring a "+" and "-" button) to adjust the temperature.

    Set the Daily Schedule

    • 10

      Flip down the door at the bottom of the Bryant Evolution Control and press the "Schedule" button to set a regular schedule for each day.

    • 11

      Press the "Left" button (located on the left side, in the center) until the display reads "ALLDAYS". Use the Scroll button to select the "WAKE" time period.

    • 12

      Set the start time by pressing the "Time" buttons.

    • 13

      Click on the Heat button to set the heating temperature for the selected time period. Use the Temp buttons to adjust the heating temperature.

    • 14

      Press the Cool button to set cooling temperature for the selected time period. Use the Temp buttons to adjust the cooling temperature.

    • 15

      Use the Scroll button to select "DAY". Repeat Steps 4 and 5.

    • 16

      Use the Scroll button to select "EVENING". Repeat Steps 4 and 5.

    • 17

      Use the Scroll button to select "SLEEP". Repeat Steps 4 and 5.