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How to Block A/C Noise

There is little doubt air conditioning is one of the most important inventions of the last 100 years, but for all the comfort it provides, it still has one major flaw: the noise. Without A/C, the indoor heat can be stifling, but sometimes it doesn't seem worth putting up with the loud, droning hum of the A/C. This is actually a false dilemma --- there are several ways to block A/C noise, allowing you to beat the heat and the hum.


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      Build a wall. The thicker your material is, the more effective your wall will be at blocking A/C noise. Barricading your A/C behind either a masonry wall or a reinforced wall of overlapping pressurized wooden boards at least 2 inches thick supported by a roughly 6-by-6-foot frame is the ideal do-it-yourself solution. These materials can best withstand the outdoor elements and are not eyesores.

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      Try a noise-shielding product. Several products on the market, such as Quiet Fence, are relatively lightweight, easy to install, come in a variety of colors and claim to be able to effectively block A/C noise.

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      Get your house soundproofed. If the A/C noise is coming from the walls, there are actually ways of going inside the ducts of your house, isolating the sources of noise and reducing it. This is complicated and technical, however, and best left to an expert.

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      Drown it out. If the noise is a problem for outdoor events, consider setting up a speaker system to play music or atmospheric effects such as nature sounds to divert attention from the A/C noise. This won't entirely block out the noise, of course, but it can at least focus your guests' attention away from the drone and onto something more pleasant.