Home Garden

How Do Outdoor Light Timers Work?

An outdoor timer increases safety around your home and deters break-ins. A timer causes the outside lights to come on when dusk approaches and turn off when the sun comes up. Before selecting an outdoor timer, you might wish to know how they function.
  1. Location

    • Depending on the model, the timer can be mounted either on a wall or on the actual outside light. Some outside light models even come with outdoor light timers built in to them. Timer models used to support multiple lights should be mounted inside the home where it is easily accessible to all outdoor lights.


    • For the timer to maintain an exact schedule, it must first be programmed with the correct time. Some timer models feature a digital display and several buttons, such as “Mode,” “Program” and directional keys. While the timer is in clock mode, the directional buttons can be used to set the hour and minute placeholders to the correct time. More intricate timer models also feature a date, location and dusk and dawn setting. The dusk and dawn setting activates the lights depending on when the sun goes down and deactivates them when the sun comes up.


    • When the time is set, the timer can be programmed with activation and deactivation times for one or more lights, depending on the model. When the set time approaches, the timer closes its internal circuit for the outdoor light outlet and power flows to the light. When the turn off time approaches, the timer opens the circuit and the outdoor light turns off. Some timers feature a manual button, which allows the user to turn the light on at any time. The manual activation of a connected light won’t affect the schedule. The light still activates and deactivates at the designated times. Some timer models feature a random mode, which turns the lights on and off at varying times every day. This gives the appearance that someone is home, as opposed to light activation and deactivation that occurs at the same time every day.


    • After the timer is mounted on the light or inside of the garage, the timer receives power after it’s plugged into a grounded outlet. The lights receive power and fall under the control of the timer after they are plugged or wired into the timer. If the model features an internal battery, you’ll want to wait until after the timer is programmed before plugging it into an outlet.