Home Garden

How to Cool a Room With Natural Gas in the Summer

A typical home air conditioning system will use electricity to cool the home. But as energy prices continue to rise, consumer interest in alternative methods for cooling their home during the hottest times of the year increases as well. Once such alternative is natural gas air conditioning, and understanding how it works is key to getting the best performance and energy savings from it.


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      Check if your home would be compatible with a natural gas air conditioner. If you use a central heating and cooling (HVAC) system already, you likely have a natural gas connection since a furnace uses natural gas to heat air. But if you do not have a central system, you will need to first check and make sure that there is a natural gas connection near when you plan to have the air conditioning system installed.

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      Install a natural gas air conditioner in your home. Consult local gas providers if you are not sure where to look for a natural gas air conditioner; gas providers can provide recommendations for features that you will need to look for in a natural gas air conditioner.

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      Maintain good energy efficiency standards during the summer. The most effective way to cool a room in hot weather is to use air conditioners at their most energy efficient, whether gas or electric air conditioners. Use natural ventilation such as ceiling fans and box fans to assist the air conditioner in cooling the room. Also make sure any cracks and openings through which air conditioner air could escape the home and make its way outside are sealed with caulk or weather-stripping.