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Instructions to Cut Foam Rubber

Foam rubber is a material used for many home furniture projects. It is an interesting material to cut because of the many thicknesses available for different projects. The thickness provides a dilemma when choosing the proper cutting tool and other equipment necessary to make the cut. The edges of the foam rubber may be bumpy after cutting. This may be corrected by sanding the area to make it smooth.
  1. Cutting Thinner Foam Rubber

    • A craft knife can be used to cut foam rubber.

      Foam rubber that is less than an inch thick may be cut using a craft or carpenter's knife. The process involves placing a mark where the cut will be using a pencil or permanent marker. Neither of these will bleed through the material that will be placed around the foam rubber. The best way to cut the foam rubber is to compress the area close to the cutting line and draw the knife through. It is important to make sure the foam rubber is on a surface that will not be damaged from the cutting blade of the knife.

    Cutting Foam Rubber Less Than 5 Inches Thick

    • An electric knife works well to cut foam rubber that is less than 5 inches in thickness. Mark the foam for cutting using either a pencil or permanent marker. Turn on the electric knife prior to touching the material. Compress the area by the cutting line to give the electric knife a more solid material to cut through. If the electric knife is turned on while it is touching the foam rubber it may cause the material to rip.

    Cutting Thick Foam Rubber

    • a saw may be needed for thick pieces of foam rubber.

      Cutting foam rubber that is more than 5 inches thick requires using pieces of thin board, clamps and a band saw or circular saw. Mark the cutting line and clamp down thin pieces of board along both sides. This allows the foam rubber to be compressed and become dense. Both the band saw and the circular saw cut best through material that is dense. Begin cutting with either the band saw or circular saw once the clamping has been completed.