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How to Make a Dresser From Pine

If you want to use pine to build a dresser, or as part of any woodworking project, you need to make special considerations. Pine is a soft wood, and needs to be handled with care. Pine lumber splinters easily, so take caution when drilling holes into it, as well as during the sanding and finishing stage. But for some home carpenters, the ease of working and shaping pine are worth taking extra precautions.

Things You'll Need

  • Router
  • Sander
  • Circular saw
  • Drill
  • Jigsaw
  • Screws
  • Carpenter's glue
  • Nail
  • Dowel joints
  • Clamp
  • Drawer runner mechanisms
  • 4 side planks, 2.5 by 40 inches
  • 4 middle planks, 1.5 by 33 inches
  • 2 central struts, 1.5 by 8 inches
  • 1 front top edging piece, 38.5 inches
  • 1 front base edging piece, 3.5 by 37.5 inches
  • 4 side planks, 2.5 by 40 inches
  • 2 top pieces, 2.5 by 14.75 inches
  • 2 bottom pieces, 2.5 by 14.75 inches
  • 2 plywood pieces, 11 by 36.5 inches
  • 2 side top edging pieces, 18.5 inches
  • 2 side base edges, 3.5 by 17 inches
  • 1 top piece, 18.25 by 38.25 inches
  • 10 drawer sides, 6.5 by 15.5 inches
  • 2 drawer backs, 6.5 by 12.75 inches
  • 2 drawer inner fronts, 6.5 by 12.75 inches
  • 2 drawer fronts, 8.5 by 15.75 inches
  • 2 plywood drawer bases, 13 by 15 inches
  • 3 drawer backs, 6.5 by 29 inches
  • 3 drawer inner fronts, 6.5 by 29 inches
  • 2 drawer fronts, 8.5 by 32.25 inches
  • 3 plywood drawer bases, 15 by 29.25 inches
  • 8 drawer knobs
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    • 1

      Join the side pieces to the top, middle, and side plank pieces using lap joints. Take each side piece and cut out the following grooves to a depth of 3/8 of an inch in the back of the side piece, 1 inch from the inside edge.

      Cut from the top to 2.5 inches from the top for the top plank.
      Cut from 10 inches to 11.5 inches for the middle plank.
      Cut from 19 inches to 20.5 inches for the middle plank.
      Cut from 28 inches to 29.5 inches for the middle plank.
      Cut from 37.5 inches to 40 inches for the bottom plank.

      Take the top, bottom and middle planks and cut out a groove that is 3/8 of an inch deep and one inch in from the side at each end of each plank, to allow these planks to fit snugly in the side pieces.

    • 2

      Glue and screw the sides to the middle, top and bottom planks from the back of the dresser. Make sure the frame is square. Glue the central support between the upper middle and the top support, equidistant from each side. Tack in place with a nail.

    • 3

      Build the back frame. Glue and screw the top, bottom and middle back planks onto the outward edges of the two side pieces. Again, make sure that the resulting frame is square, and that it matches the dimensions of the front frame. Then glue and screw the central support to the top and middle planks flush with the side pieces.

    • 4

      Make a groove along the inside edge of the side, top, and bottom pieces of the side frame. The groove should run the full distance of the plank at a width of half an inch and a depth of half an inch. The groove should be on the side that faces inwards.

      Cut a lap joint on the inside of the two side pieces. The groove for the lap joint should be 3/8 of an inch deep, the full width of the plank, starting 2.5 inches from the end inwards. Cut a lap joint on the outside of the top and bottom side pieces to match this lap joint. Glue and screw the top and bottom to the two side pieces, making sure the resulting frame is square. Glue the plywood sheet into the groove that now runs all the way around the inside of the side frame.

    • 5

      Attach the two side pieces to the front and back frames with wooden dowel joints so that the width of the front frame is the widest part of the dresser and the depth is the width of the side pieces plus the depth of the front and back pieces. Once all four frames are attached, position, glue, and screw the top plywood piece in place. The top unit should overhand the front by 1.5 inches and the back by half an inch. Clamp the unit together until dry.

      As you are attaching the four frames together, ensure that the unit remains square. Once you have attached all four, add the top plywood as this will help to strengthen the construction. The top unit should be positioned so that it overhangs the front by 1.5 inches (and therefore only overhangs the back by a half-inch). Glue and screw (or use dowel joints and small panel nails if you are not painting) the top to the sides, front and back. Clamp the entire unit until thoroughly dry.

    • 6

      Attach edging pieces to the top and the main frame of the dresser. Cut edging at a 45-degree angle at the joint.

    • 7

      Cut decorative base to act as the feet of the dresser. Cut decorations with jigsaw, and leave a minimum of 1.5 inches of wood at the thinnest part of the edging. Attach pieces to the main frame. Turn frame upside down, and glue and screw pieces in place from the inside.

    • 8

      Build the drawers. Take the two side drawer pieces as well as the back and the inner front drawer pieces. Cut a groove in each one, a quarter-inch from the bottom of each piece and a quarter-inch wide. This groove will allow the base to slot into the drawer frame. Glue and screw the sides to the back piece, slot the base into the groove and then glue and screw the inner front board in place. This will form one drawer in the shape of a box without a lid. Repeat for all drawers. Make sure that the unit is square. The result is a box without a lid.

    • 9

      Attach a 16-inch drawer runner mechanism to each side of the drawer, and to the corresponding hole in the main unit of the chest. Make sure all drawer mechanisms are attached at the same height, so that the drawers are interchangeable.

    • 10

      Add the front of the drawer to the box unit. First, round the edge of the front piece, then glue and screw in place from the inside of the drawer. The front should overhang the drawer by half an inch underneath and 1.25 inches above. Glue and screw the drawer knobs in place.

    • 11

      Sand the dresser thoroughly and carefully. Apply the finish of your choice, if desired.