Home Garden

How Long It Takes Snake Gourd to Germinate

Snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina var. anguina) is an ornamental and edible addition to the home garden. This variety is originally from the India sub-continent, but grows well as an annual throughout the United States. The snake gourd can be used in cooking much like zucchini as a stir fry, stuffed or baked.
  1. Selecting a Location

    • Snake gourds require a lot of space to grow vertically. The large, heavy fruits need a strong trellis with plenty of room to mature. Growing along the ground does not allow enough room for vines or for fruit to develop properly. Once the location is established, loosen the soil well with a tiller or spading fork and add a few inches of compost.


    • Plant seeds at the base of the trellis 1 inch deep and 2 feet apart. Germination rates will vary according to seed quality and age, so put at least three seeds in each hole and thin plants when they reach 4 inches tall. Water well after planting. Soak seeds in water for 24 hours before planting to aid in germination.


    • Soaked seeds germinate in about half the time of unsoaked seeds, possibly as soon as three to five days. Unsoaked seeds can take weeks to germinate under natural conditions. Check for germination daily. Pull all mulch away from the seedling to allow plenty of sunlight and to prevent pests like slugs from eating the newly established plant.


    • Encourage healthy growth of snake gourds by side-dressing with 10-10-10 fertilizer according to package instructions when the vines begin to run. Water as needed throughout the season by checking the soil for moisture. When it is dry 1 inch deep, water deeply.