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Maggots on Seed Potatoes

For the purposes of this article, "maggot" does not refer to the larvae of houseflies but, rather, to other pests that resemble the common maggot. A variety of pests can attack members of the nightshade family, of which the potato is a member. Larvae of some beetles, as well as the wireworm, could potentially be mistaken for maggots.
  1. Types

    • Colorado potato beetle can appear like a maggot when it is in its larval state.

      White grubs can feed on potatoes, especially if they are being grown in an area that was formerly lawn. The Colorado potato beetle, which affects crops of potatoes all over the country, is the most likely culprit in its immature form.


    • Maggotlike pests can eat both the potato and the vine that supports it.

      Damage to the potato crops can vary. Some potato pests will feed on the tuber portion, while others will feed on the leaves. Some plants can become completely defoliated to the point where they can no longer make food for themselves via photosynthesis.


    • Weeds and grasses near potatoes can attract pests and should be controlled wherever possible.

      Cultural methods are more effective than chemical ones in controlling potato pests. Controlling weeds and grasses nearby will reduce additional temptation for pest species to invade your potato crop. Crop rotation will help reduce incidence of infestation as well.