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How to Get My Squash Vine to Produce More Vegetables

The varieties of squash that you might be growing in your garden or on your property include zucchini, butternut squash, pumpkin squash and many others. If you have not gotten the vine of your squash to produce the amount of vegetables that you want in past years, then there may be some changes you can make this year to ensure the vine produces a plentiful amount of vegetables for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Soil thermometer
  • Water
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      Wait until after the last frost of the year to plant your squash vegetables. This is usually in the spring, but you can wait as long as midsummer to plant the squash. If you don't wait until after the last frost, your squash vine is likely to produce a small amount of vegetables, if any.

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      Ensure the soil you plant the squash in is not cold. If you wait until spring or summer, this should not be an issue. Test the soil using a soil thermometer. Push it into the ground at least 2 inches. Wait until the temperature is around 70 degrees F to plant. If the soil is cold, the squash vine will probably produce less than you want.

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      Mound up the dirt in your garden to make small hills. Each hill should be about 8 to 10 inches around, and hills should be about 1 to 2 feet apart from each other. Plant the seeds in individual holes about 2 inches apart on the hills. If these planting techniques are not followed, the vines won't have room to produce a lot of vegetables.

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      Watch the squash plants carefully. Once they start to sprout, wait until they are about 3 inches tall. Examine them closely and choose the most healthy looking one, meaning it is developing a thick stem, a luscious green color and growing more than the others. Pull out the other plants from each hill. You should now have one plant per hill. This gives each plant lots of room to develop vegetables on the vine.

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      Water your squash plants with at least the equivalent of 1 inch of water once a week. The soil should be soaked through a few inches with each watering, which is how you can determine if you have watered the plants enough. With proper watering, the vine will produce a greater amount of squash.