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What Is the Last Date to Plant a Garden?

Plant a fall crop to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you harvest from the garden. This is more difficult than spring gardening, when the ground keeps getting warmer and the days longer. As you advance into autumn, the ground gets colder and the risk of an early frost increases. Northern regions of the country have significantly less sunlight for photosynthesis. But you can still plant a late garden for the fall.
  1. Plant Selection

    • Select plants with roots that thrive in the cold ground, such as beets, broccoli, leaf lettuce, spinach or cauliflower. Short maturity plants have a better chance of producing a crop than those that take two months or longer. Fall crops may take 10 days longer to reach maturity than indicated on the seed packet, according to University of Tennessee extension. Long maturity plants might not have enough sunlight when they need it the most, during flowering and production. Additionally, choose species that will tolerate the rainy season common during November.

    First Frost Date

    • Each region of the country has a different first frost date. This is only a guideline of the average date that the first frost occurs in most years. The Victory Seeds website has a chart that you can use to determine your first frost date. Choose your state and then make any adjustments for living at a higher elevation. Alternately, visit your local county extension office for information specific to your area.

    Calculating the Last Date to Plant

    • After buying the seeds for your garden, subtract the number of days to maturity from the first frost date to arrive at the last date to plant. Ssince weather is unpredictable, however, add a safety margin of at least two weeks for frost-intolerant plants, including tomatoes and green beans, according to University of Tennessee extension. A frost-intolerant plant dies even when there is only light frost.

    Frost Tips

    • Frost occurs when the temperature drops to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. It will hit north-facing slopes before those that are facing south. Protect many plants from light frost by covering them. Some plants can also survive a hard frost.