Home Garden

Uses of Snap Beans in Tennessee

Snap beans, or green beans as they are also called, rank second only to the tomato in popularity in home gardens in Tennessee. Because snap beans need warm weather, they need to be planted a couple of weeks after the last frost. In Tennessee, the last frost is usually early to mid-April depending on what area of the state you are in. Therefore, snap beans should be planted in early to mid-May in Tennessee. The beans will be ready to harvest in 50 to 55 days. Once harvested, there are several uses for snap beans in Tennessee.
  1. Fresh

    • The most common use of snap beans is to cook them fresh from the garden. Snap beans are harvested in Tennessee in June and July; keep them unwashed in the refrigerator crisper for up to a week. Recipes used by cooks in Tennessee vary greatly, but a popular recipe is to cook the beans with onions and bacon fat.


    • With the rise of the cost of prepared food and the population's interest in food quality, many families have returned to the process of preserving their own food from the garden, which used to be a common practice of earlier generations. Snap beans can be canned or frozen for future use. Contact your local Tennessee Extension Office for information on proper preservation techniques.

    Farmer's Market

    • Tennesseans gardeners can make extra cash by selling excess snap beans at the local farmer's market. Farmer's markets are a long-standing tradition in Tennessee. In an effort to encourage residents to purchase and sell local products at places such as farmer's markets, the state implemented the government promoted program "Pick Tennessee Products." Tennessee residents can find their local market by going to the program's website.

    Healthy Diet

    • In a report published in 2010 by Trust for America's Health, Tennessee has the second highest adult obesity rate in the south at 31.6 percent. Experts at The Mayo Clinic state that a diet low in calories is key to losing weight. At only 34 calories per 1 cup serving, and containing nutrients such as vitamins C and A, snap beans are an excellent low-calorie food for individuals in Tennessee who are interested in losing weight.