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How to Grow Tiger Pumpkins

Small, decorative pumpkins can serve as ornaments for your fall decor. Lil' Tiger Stripe and Tiger Stripe Pumpkin are cultivars of miniature pumpkins that produce fruits with yellow stripes over creamy backgrounds. While fresh food markets and grocery stores often stock these during the late fall, you can grow them in your own garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Biodegradable seed pots
  • Potting soil
  • Shallow pan
  • Spade
  • Phosphorus fertilizer
  • Tomato cages
  • Balanced fertilizer
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      Plant your tiger pumpkins inside about three to four weeks before the final frost. These miniature varieties require an average of 90 days to reach maturity, making them a long-season vegetable. Fill biodegradable seed pots with loose, loamy soil. Place two to three seeds over the tops of each pot. Using your fingertip, press the seeds about 1/2 inch into the soil. Press the soil over the surface to cover the seeds and fill in the holes.

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      Place the pots in a shallow pan to catch excess water. Slowly pour water into the bottom of the pan, allowing the biodegradable pots and soil to soak up the water. Apply just enough water to make the surface of the soil slightly damp. Place the planted seeds in a warm, sunny location, keeping the soil slightly moist while they sprout and begin to grow.

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      Prepare the garden soil after the final frost. Loosen the top 6 to 8 inches of soil with a spade. Apply a phosphorus fertilizer to the loosened soil, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Work the fertilizer into the topsoil to create a smooth, even blend.

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      Plant the miniature pumpkin seedlings about 4 feet apart, keeping the surface of the biodegradable pots even with the surrounding soil. Place a tomato cage over the top of each pumpkin plant. Although large pumpkins are too heavy to grow on supports and trellises, these smaller varieties grow nicely on tomato cages. Loosely loop long tendrils around the support to encourage the plants to climb.

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      Water deeply to ensure even moisture around the mini pumpkins' root systems. Spread a 1- to 2-inch layer of clean straw around the pumpkin plants, avoiding contact with the stems. This light mulch will help hold in soil moisture, an important factor in growing pumpkins.

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      Fertilize the pumpkins with a side dressing of balanced fertilizer, such as one with a 10-10-10 rating. Apply another side dressing of this fertilizer about three weeks after the plants blossom.