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How to Tell When It Is Time to Pull Radishes

The radish is a cool-weather vegetable that matures quickly in a garden. It is an ideal choice for a beginning gardener or child because of the short harvest time. Knowing when to pull radishes out of the garden is important, since they develop a hotter, more peppery flavor -- as with some spicy peppers -- and a spongy texture if they get too large. They may also split and crack, which is not attractive if you are using them whole for a raw vegetable plate.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
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      Plant the radishes. Expect a harvest approximately 22 to 30 days after planting spring varieties, such as Burpee White, Easter Egg, Plum Purple and Snow Belle. Fifty-two to 70 days are needed to bring winter varieties to maturity, such as China Rose, Round Black Spanish or Tama Hybrid. Radishes grow best in loose, well-drained fertile soil and full sun.

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      Wait for the top of the radish to emerge from the ground. This indicates it is near harvest time.

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      Harvest your radishes when the roots -- the actual radish -- measures 1 inch or less in diameter.

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      Squeeze large or questionable radishes to determine if they are too old to eat. If the radish yields to pressure and does not feel firm and crisp, the vegetable is probably fibrous and will have a spongy texture.