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How to Build a Vegetable Garden on a Fire Escape

Though many people dream of raising their own food, not everyone is lucky enough to live on a farm. Some people don't even have access to land on which they can grow plants. But that does little to quell the desire for a garden in the city. Luckily, it is possible to raise herbs and vegetables with as little space as a fire escape using the right supplies, information, and a green thumb.

Things You'll Need

  • Soil
  • Fertilizer (optional)
  • Seedlings or plants
  • Pots
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  1. How to Grow a Fire Escape Garden

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      Choose your spot. In order to have a successful garden, you will probably need a spot that gets at least four hours of direct sunlight each day.

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      Pick your soil. Because your garden will be potted, it is important to choose a high-quality potting material. Choose a soil that contains plenty of nutrients, either through an artificial fertilizer, or from additives such as bone meal.

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      Choose your plants. Not all vegetables thrive in pots, so make sure you know how much root space your plants need. Tomatoes and herbs are safe choices for your first garden, but don't be afraid to experiment.

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      Select pots. Buy pots that are suitable for your plant varieties.

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      Plant your vegetables. Make sure the root ball of the plant is loose, and the soil is packed down tight enough to hold them upright, but not so tight as to form a dirt brick. If you are adding fertilizer that is not in the soil already, do that during this step.

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      Soak your plants thoroughly. Your first watering should be a good one, make sure the soil is sopping wet.

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      Maintain your plants. Make sure to water your plants, avoid burning them with sun. Pay attention to what the plants need, and perform pest management if necessary.

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      Harvest your vegetables and enjoy.