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How to Prune and Care for a Kiwi Vine

Kiwi is a vigorous vining plant that requires regular pruning throughout the growing process. The plant benefits from routine pruning and is more productive if pruned properly. Kiwi climbs vertically, similar to pole beans. You can train them similarly to grape vines along a fence or trellis system. Kiwi fruit is produced 1-year-old vines, so it is important to encourage and train the growth so it receives light and is not entangled during the growing season. The most vigorous pruning should take place in late January to early February and then again in summer after flowering.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
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      Look over your kiwi vines in late January to early February. Thin out the vines by pruning them back to just the main vines that come from the base of the plant. Prune the excess growth where it branches off from the main vines, using pruning shears.

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      Prune again in the summer months after the vine has flowered. Any growth beyond the flowers can be pruned back. Shear off any shoots that have curled or tangled.

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      Cut back any new growth that is covering over the year-old shoots that produce fruit. It is important that they are not blocked from receiving sunlight. Continue pruning in this manner throughout the growing season.