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How to Use Composted Cow Manure for Square-Foot Gardening

When Mel Bartholomew announced his new way of gardening in the '70s traditional gardeners may have thought he lost his mind. Eager young gardeners, however, were anxious to try this new technique to grow fresh vegetables in limited space. This intensive gardening method involves sectioning the soil into 1-foot squares and growing vegetables in these tiny plots. Much like raised bed gardening, square-foot gardening saves space by growing vegetables close together without leaving a wide row of unused soil for cultivating and caring for the garden. Although the method is not inherently organic, many prefer to use composted cow manure to improve the condition of the soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden claw or hand tiller
  • Garden tiller (optional)
  • Rake
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      Layer a 2- to 4-inch layer of composted cow manure over the soil in your square-foot garden. Composted manure is sold commercially and can be used instead, but manure that has been composted naturally is preferred.

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      Work the composted cow manure into the top six inches of the soil with hand tools if your square-foot garden is sectioned off with permanent structures. Otherwise consider tilling the manure in with a garden tiller.

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      Rake the area smooth and plant as usual.