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Compost for Pumpkin Mounding

Pumpkins are a fun and delicious fall crop. The huge, orange globes can be used for decoration, for jack-o'-lanterns and for a myriad of dishes. The best part is they're easy to grow. If you start off right with the best site and good, healthy soil you'll be picking pumpkins in no time. It never hurts to add a little compost to give them an extra boost.
  1. Site Selection

    • Pumpkins require warm weather and a lot of sun. Pick a site that gets good sun most of the day. The majority of pumpkin varieties have large vines that will require space to spread. Be sure you've got a site with plenty of room. Some varieties, like Bushkin and Spirit, grow in a bush as opposed to a vine and are more suitable for small gardens.

    Soil Preparation

    • Pumpkins grow well in slightly acidic, heavier soil. Soil amendments, like compost, are generally added to help change soil texture and pH. The best way to know which type of compost to add is to run a soil test. Most university extension offices will help with soil testing. In general, however, compost will do more good than harm, and horticulturists at the University of Illinois recommend making your own out of last season's crop debris. Mix compost into existing soil for best results.


    • Once you have compost mixed into your soil, you can build your mounds. Spacing depends somewhat on the type of pumpkins you're growing. For bush types, grow 2 plants per mound and space mounds about 4 feet apart, measuring from the center of the mound. For vine varieties, plant 2 plants per mound and space them 7 feet apart in rows that are 5 feet apart.


    • Fertilizing can be done at planting if your soil test indicates it is necessary. But you can also apply a side-dressing of nitrogen fertilizer in mid-season. If you added compost earlier, you may be able to reduce or eliminate this mid-season fertilizer application. You can perform another soil test or make the determination based on the vigor of your plants.