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Organic Fertilizers to Protect Against Tomato Hornworms

Organic fertilizers do not offer protection from tomato hornworms, but there are organic pesticides that can control them. Organic fertilizers help to increase the overall health and productivity of a tomato plant thereby increasing its ability to withstand the stresses imposed by a hornworm infestation.
  1. Plant Derived Pesticides

    • Pyrethrin is a natural pesticide derived from chrysanthemums.

      Extracts from both chrysanthemum species native to Africa and the neem tree of India have insect repelling traits and are registered for use in organic food production. Pick hornworms off by hand if possible and then sprayed with pesticides containing either of these two active ingredients.

    Mineral Derived Pesticides

    • Limestone has been used for centuries as a natural fungicide, pesticide and garden amendment.

      Many horticultural and dormant oils derived from minerals are useful as pesticides and kill by smothering. Although primarily used as a fungicide, pesticides containing copper sulfate and lime (Bordeaux mix) are used as a pest repellent in tomato production.

    Organic Fertilizers

    • Compost is a free source of "organic" nutrients for your tomatoes.

      Only those chemicals that have been approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute can be sold as "organic", but their are other natural sources of nutrients for your tomatoes as well. Bone meal, blood meal, cottonseed meal, fish emulsion, wood ash and compost are all natural sources of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium to help bolster your tomatoes resistance to insects and disease.