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The Fastest Beans to Grow

Bush beans are the fastest-growing beans you can plant in your yard, according to the University of Maryland website. Bush varieties reach their maturity point in 50 to 60 days. Some varieties require a little longer than others, so understanding the different types of beans and their requirements can help you determine which type is best for your garden.
  1. Under 50 Days

    • Only a few varieties reach full maturity in fewer than 50 days. The Tennessee green pod bush reaches maturity in 48 days. Tennessee green pods produce some of the largest types of bush beans. The pink half-runner reaches maturity in 50 days. You can eat its beans fresh or dried, but fresh beans are ready in 50 days, while dried beans require 85 days.

    Under 55 Days

    • Once past the 50-day maturity mark, there are more varieties of beans. The royal burgundy bush variety matures in 51 days. These beans are ready for harvesting when they turn bright green. Most royal burgundy pods will be 5 to 6 inches long. Topcrop is a bush variety that reaches maturity in 52 days. This bush yields a heavier amount than others and grows 16 to 18 inches tall. Topcrops are resistant to bean mosaic virus, which commonly afflicts bush varieties. Burpee stringless is a bush variety that reaches maturity within 53 days. This type of bush can grow up to 20 feet tall without the use of a trellis. Its beans are fresh and brittle; therefore, they are good snap beans.

    Under 65 Days

    • The Kentucky wonder and blue lake pole varieties are popular beans because they are some of the fastest-maturing pole varieties available for garden growing. These two beans can reach maturity in 60 to 65 days. The pods for both are smooth, round and reach up to 7 inches long when ready for harvesting.

    Over 65 Days

    • Some beans take more than 65 days to reach maturity. Lima beans are a good example of a bush variety that reaches maturity in 68 days. Lima beans are popular in the South, and the Jackson Wonder variety of lima beans is one of the fastest-maturing varieties. Plants can reach up to 20 inches tall and create pods up to 4 inches long. Each pod contains four beans, which you can dry or eat fresh.