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What Vegetables Can Be Planted Before the Last Frost?

Cool-season vegetables thrive and are most productive in the spring before the heat of summer sets in. Plant them early in the spring, some as early as six weeks before the last expected frost. While timely planting is important, vegetables grown in the garden the previous season affect the current season's crop. Divide the garden into four sections and rotate the crops each year. This practice helps control the diseases and pests from season to season.
  1. Cabbage Family Vegetables

    • Exposure to a light frost enhances the flavor of Brussels sprouts.

      Plant cabbage family vegetables before the last frost in the spring. There are many vegetables within this family, and they are susceptible to the same diseases and insect infestations. Do not plant them in the same location year after year. Plant a noncabbage family vegetable for at least two years following a cabbage family crop. Arugula, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, garden cress, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, radish, rutabaga and turnip are all included in this group. Plant arugula, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard, kale, mizuna, rutabaga and turnip about six weeks before the last expected frost. Plant cauliflower, garden cress, kohlrabi, mustard greens and radishes two to four weeks before the last frost.

    Tomato Family Vegetables

    • Cool weather and frost enhance parsnips' flavor.

      Plant beet, carrot, chard, parsnip, potato and spinach two to four weeks before the last expected hard frost. Plant celeriac and celery two weeks before the last expected frost. These vegetables are included within the tomato family. Plant them in the area of the garden where cabbage family vegetables grew the previous year.

    Allium Family Vegetables

    • Start onion seeds indoors eight to 10 weeks before the last expected frost.

      Plant onions about six weeks before the last spring frost. Chives, Egyptian, multiplier or walking onions, garlic, leeks, scallions and shallots are all included in the onion family. Plant lettuce and radicchio six weeks before the last expected frost. Plant endive two to four weeks before the last expected frost. All of these vegetables are included within the allium family. Plant them where tomato family plants grew the previous year.


    • Pick peas from the garden as needed for best flavor.

      Plant all types of peas six weeks before the last expected hard frost. Peas are legumes. They absorb nitrogen from the air and affix it into the garden soil. Plant peas and other legumes, such as bush beans and pole beans, where allium family vegetables grew the previous season.