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How to Control the Disease Cercospora in Asparagus

Cercospora, caused by the cercospora asparagi fungus, is a disease that affects only asparagus plants. The fungus thrives in hot climates with high humidity levels, so southern U.S. states suffer far more from the disease than northern ones. The disease appears as small brown or purple colored spots that eventually kill the entire asparagus plant. Controlling the disease requires a combination of chemicals and a modification of cultural practices.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden sprayer
  • Water
  • Liquid fungicide
  • Rake
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      Avoid wetting the leaves of the asparagus plants when watering to prevent formation of the fungus. Water only by directing the stream at the ground and allowing it to soak in. If overhead watering is unavoidable, do it early in the day so that all foliage is dry by nightfall.

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      Pull up some rows of the asparagus plants to increase the distance to a minimum of 6 feet in between rows. This increases air circulation and inhibits the fungal growth. In the following years, always plant at 6-foot distances.

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      Wait until the asparagus plants are 4 feet tall and then fill a large garden sprayer with water and a liquid fungicide using the amounts specified on the fungicide label. Spray all foliage of the asparagus with the solution until it drips off.

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      Apply two more applications of the fungicide mixture spacing them three weeks apart.

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      Remove all diseased plants once the final harvest is complete and rake up any fallen leaves from the top of the soil. Dispose of the diseased asparagus plants by burning them or placing them into the trash.