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Homemade Insecticide for Tomatoes

After spending time carefully planting and caring for tomatoes, it's frustrating to find insects eating the plant and its fruit. Tomatoes, as most vegetables, are prone to insects and pests. While you can purchase commercial insecticides for your plants, a cheaper and safer option is to make your own. Insecticides for tomatoes are made with everyday safe and natural items.
  1. Garlic

    • Garlic is a strong pesticide that can prevent sucking insects and caterpillars in vegetable plants. Planting a few garlic plants close to the tomato plants is helpful to prevent pests and insects. A homemade solution can also be made to spray onto the tomato plants. Garlic cloves, mineral oil, soap flakes and water are the ingredients for this insecticide. Let this mixture sit for 48 hours before spraying all over the tomato leaves.


    • Dill helps prevent hornworm, one of the most common insects to debilitate tomatoes. Hornworm can be difficult to locate due to to its green coloring, but chewed leaves are signs of this pest. Sowing dill and borage before planting the tomato helps repel hornworm and other insects. A solution with dill, water and liquid soap and can also be sprayed on the tomato leaves to further protect it.

    Liquid Soap

    • Liquid soap is an all-purpose insecticide for vegetable plants. It's important to use a fragrance-free mild soap, as a strong soap can damage the plant. Liquid soap can be mixed with rubbing alcohol to make a stronger solution, and should be diluted with water. Spray on leaves and after 20 minutes, spray clean water onto the plant to prevent leaf damage. This solution can be used every three days for two weeks.

    Onion and Chili

    • Leaf-eating insects are common on tomato plants. An onion and chili homemade insecticide is a helpful way to protect them. However, this solution will not be the best with stronger insects such as shield bugs. Chopped hot chilies, chopped garlic, chopped onion and soapy water are the ingredients for this insecticide. Let the solution sit for 24 hours, drain, add water to dilute the mix and spray. The solution should be stored in a dark place for up to two weeks.