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Why Did My Radish Wilt After I Picked It?

Radishes are an excellent addition to various dishes such as salads, but after they are picked they have a tendency to wilt quickly. A wilted radish loses both visual appeal and taste. To ensure that your radishes don't wilt after you pick them, practice precautions such as keeping them in cold water.
  1. Selection

    • Start with the freshest, cleanest radishes to ensure that they have a long lifespan. Check that they are an appropriate color and a decent size. Avoid radishes that are dirty, off-colored or damaged by insects or disease. The radishes should be firm and appealing to the eye, as blemishes could mean that the radish is old or will wilt more rapidly than a fresher radish. Look for uniform color, shape and texture.


    • The longer you keep a radish, the greater its propensity to wilt. For maximum appeal, eat the radish as soon as possible after you pick it. Leaving the radish for a few days -- even if it is kept in the refrigerator -- could cause the radish to wilt. Fresh-picked radishes are crisper and may have better flavor than older radishes.


    • Keep your radishes in a perforated bag in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. This helps prevent wilting. Trim the leaves off the radishes, as they can turn slimy and unappealing quickly. After washing the radishes, slicing them and placing them in cold water also helps delay wilting. Store the radishes in cold water until they are needed.


    • When the radishes are needed, drain them out of the cold water or remove them from the crisper. Pat the radishes dry with a clean cloth or paper towel. Slice them and add them to your salad or other dish. Use a sharp knife to cut the radishes cleanly. Eat the dish as soon as possible after it is prepared.