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How to Grow Soybeans and Start Seedlings Outdoors

The soybean is a legume grown for its nutritional value. Although tofu is one of the most recognized uses of soybeans, there are many other soy-based products such as soy milk, sauces and oils. Soybeans grow best in warm temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit and typically take from 75 to 125 days until they are ready to harvest. These plants grow about 23 to 30 inches tall and develop multiple pods on each plant that contain the green-colored soybean.


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      Plant soybeans in the spring when soil temperatures are above 55 degrees and the threat of frost has passed in your region. Soybean seeds germinate faster at warmer temperatures. The longer a seed takes to germinate, the higher the chance of it being exposed to disease or fungus in the soil.

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      Avoid planting seeds that are cracked or discolored. These seeds are most likely dead or damaged and will not sprout. Planting only healthy-looking seeds will increase your chances of growing an abundant soybean crop.

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      Sow the seeds in loose, loamy soil. The air circulation in the loose soil provides better water drainage and protects against fungus.

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      Plant the seeds in full sun. Soybeans require between six and eight hours of direct sunlight to grow and produce beans. Plant the seeds in an open, sunny location with minimal shade and covering.

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      Plant the seeds about 1 to 2 inches deep in the soil. Seeds planted any deeper than 2 inches will have trouble reaching the surface of the soil. Place the seed on the surface of the soil, push the seed down into the soil and cover the hole with fresh soil.

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      Water the seeds after planting them. This will settle the soil over them and moisten the seed shell, which will encourage them to germinate.

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      Space the seeds out about 2 to 4 inches apart to avoid overcrowding. Plant the seeds in long rows about 18 to 24 inches apart.

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      Replant your soybean seeds if they have not sprouted within one week of planting. It generally takes between three and six days for soybean seeds to germinate and any seeds that have not sprouted during that time period are not likely to sprout.

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      Weed the garden at least twice during the growing season. Dig up and remove the weeds with a hoe or rototiller to prevent the weeds from overtaking the garden and stealing nutrients and water from the plants.

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      Water your soybean plants daily, especially after they sprout. Although soybeans can tolerate short periods of drought after they have matured, they grow best with a steady supply of water.

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      Harvest the soybeans after the pods have turned brown. Cut the plant at the base with a machete or pruning shears and hang the plant in a well-ventilated area to dry.