Home Garden

How to Rake After Rototilling a Yard

Preparing an area for planting requires rototilling or plowing the soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inches. Removing the sod beforehand makes the job easier, but areas with light vegetation may not require sod removal. Whether sod removal is part of the process or not, freshly tilled soil typically contains large rocks, roots and weeds. Raking the area to remove the debris and smooth the soil is necessary before amending or planting can begin.


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      Rake the soil by beginning at the back left corner or the garden plot. Work your way to the front of the garden, raking a 2 foot row of the soil. Repeat the procedure from back to front in successive rows until you reach the front right corner.

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      Break up clods of soil with the teeth of the rake and remove any bits of vegetation. Bits and pieces of weeds may seem harmless, but many spring up within a day or two and resume rapid growth. Removing all weed parts from the garden is vital to eliminating existing weeds.

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      Pick large rocks, roots or other debris from the soil as you rake. The object is to create a loose friable soil free of foreign objects.

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      Smooth the soil with the back of the rake once all rocks and weeds have been removed. Re-rake the area with the teeth of the rake, using short even strokes. Working in sections so that you break up clods, remove debris and then rake the area smooth before moving to the next section works best in large areas.