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Types of Compost Barrels

Compost barrels come in a variety of shapes and styles. They all serve the same basic function -- to help your compost break down more quickly and prevent wind or animals dispersing the materials. Consider what size barrel you need, and how quickly you want your compost to break down, before choosing one for your yard.
  1. Enclosed Compost Barrels

    • These are the most basic compost barrels. They are simply an enclosed barrel that protects your compost from the elements and animals. They are low-maintenance because you don't have to turn the barrel; however, this means that the compost will take longer to decompose. If you aerate it or use a pitchfork to turn it within the barrel, you will speed up the process.

    Rolling or Tumbling Compost Barrels

    • A rolling composter can be rolled to turn the compost and help it decompose more quickly; a tumbling one simply has a crank to turn the barrel to accomplish the same thing. Rolling barrels can be difficult to roll when full, and once the contents start to decompose, you can't add anything else until you empty it. Some people have two barrels so they can continue composting when one is full.

    Constructed Compost Barrels

    • You can construct compost barrels out of garbage cans or other containers. The advantage of constructing one yourself is that you can customize it, for example, using a container with a wide opening for turning the compost, or making a small opening in the bottom so you can easily remove the finished compost for use in your garden.

    Worm Compost Barrels

    • The addition of redworms to compost barrels can also help kitchen scraps break down more quickly. In cold climates, you may need to bring these indoors or into a sheltered area so the worms survive; in hot climates, keep the barrel damp and cool. Add a small amount of compost material every few days to these barrels so the worms have time to consume the foods and break them down. Adding too much can cause odors, as the food rots before the worms can consume it.