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How to Soften Dirt

Soft, nourished soil is important for gardening or planting, because it allows plant roots to easily grow and receive water and other nourishment. Soil that is hard and compacted can restrict the roots of plants and prevent them from receiving nourishment. Hard soil is typically neglected soil that has turned into rock-like clay. It is possible to revert hard soil into soft adequate soil, with no more that gypsum and a small amount of labor.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Garden rake
  • Gypsum
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    • 1

      Shovel out portions of the garden bed, leaving between a 6-inch to 12-inch hole.

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      Spread about half of the gypsum in the hole. Try to spread the gypsum out as evenly as possible.

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      Shovel in about half the removed soil, and spread the rest of the gypsum on top of it. After spreading the gypsum, fill the hole with the rest of the soil.

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      Use the shovel to turn over the soil in each part of the garden bed. You may need to turn over the same spot multiple times to ensure a good mix of the soil and gypsum.

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      Rake the top of the soil. You need to try to break up the clumps of soil as much as possible, and leave the garden bed as smooth as possible.