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How to Amend Rocky Soil

Soil composition is one of the most important aspects to growing a successful landscape or garden. "Rocky" soil consists mainly of sand and rocks. While some plants thrive in this environment, it is problematic for most others. Rocky soil does not retain moisture and is not loose enough for proper root development. You can amend rocky soil with organic material, which allows the plant roots to grow better and provides sufficient nutrients to them.

Things You'll Need

  • Gardening gloves
  • Peat, compost or manure
  • Shovel
  • Garden tiller
  • Safety glasses
  • Long pants and long sleeves
  • Mulch (optional)
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      Put on gardening gloves and walk over the soil area to locate the largest rocks and stones. Pick these up and remove them manually, placing them in another part of the yard or in the trash for disposal.

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      Spread a 2-inch-thick layer of organic matter such as compost, peat or manure over the entire soil area. If you are amending large areas, or need to know how much organic matter to buy, aim for 4 cubic yards of organic matter for every 1,000 square feet of rocky soil, advises Colorado State University Extension.

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      Rent or purchase a rear-tine garden tiller from a home improvement center and set the blade depth to at least 6 inches deep. Turn the tiller on and push it over the entire area to mix the organic matter in well with the underlying soil. Remove as many rocks possible, as the tiller churns them up to the surface. Tillers need to be heavy duty to adequately work rocky soil or heavy clay, lighter tillers can skip over difficult spots, according to garden writer Barbara Pleasant, in the February/March 2003 issue of "Mother Earth News."

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      Repeat the amendment process each spring before planting. If you do not repeat the amendment process, the organic matter will break down and eventually the soil will return to the rocky condition.