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Why Are Some Bags of Topsoil So Inferior?

A high-quality topsoil is essential for lawn and gardening success. Before you add topsoil to your garden, have the soil tested at your local university extension laboratory for nutrient levels and chemical evaluation.
  1. Identification

    • Topsoil makes up the top 1 to 12 inches of a soil site. The soil underneath the topsoil is known as subsoil. Topsoil quality is crucial to plant growth and development, since plant root systems usually develop in this soil layer.


    • A good topsoil should have high organic matter and nutrient levels, as well as a low level of soluble salts. Deficient topsoil may have high levels of soluble salts, which contribute to inadequate water absorption by plant roots. Low organic matter content can decrease soil fertility and nutrient levels. Some topsoil may also contain weed seeds or herbicide residues.

    Testing Topsoil

    • To test the quality and texture of your topsoil, moisten it with water and squeeze a handful in your hand. If it forms a ball but breaks apart easily, it is a quality loam soil and can probably be used in your garden. Take a sample to your local university extension office to determine nutrient quality and pH levels.