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How to Spread a Layer of Organic Mulch Around Plants That Retains Moisture & Saves Water

Organic mulch such as pine needles, shaved bark and shredded leaves reduces moisture evaporation in the soil by as much as 35 percent. In regions where water conservation efforts are in place, this represents a significant savings. With increased water retention in the soil, a plant's roots develop better than they do under bare soil, according to scientists at the University of California. Organic mulch is inexpensive and easy to apply.

Things You'll Need

  • Rake
  • Mulch
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      Spread the organic mulch on the soil at least 4 inches from the base of the plants. The mulch layer needs to be deep enough to insulate the soil from the sun, but not so deep it suffocates shallow roots. Use no more than 2 inches of shredded leaves, grass clippings or bark. Use a 4-inch layer of pine needles.

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      Use the rake to spread the mulch evenly over the soil and around the plants. Spread the mulch out 2 feet for every inch of diameter of a tree's trunk.

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      Replace organic mulches as they break down. Grass clippings decompose faster than wood mulches, but a general rule of thumb is to replace mulch every year.